shallov. (SK)
Shallov. was formed in a garage of Bratislava in 2013 where their first DIY release “no place for two” was recorded. Since then shallov gained its final 3-piece form in 2015 and created their first studio album “concrete & glass“ in 2017. The album was followed by dozens of shows in Slovakia, Hungary, Czech, Germany, Austria, Romania, The Balkans, and also the biggest Slovak music festival Pohoda in 2018 and the most relevant underground festivals around: FFUD, Hellvill, FFOA or WHONEEDSLYRICS. They performed live on national radio (radio_fm) and already shared stage with world-known bands such as Birds in Row (FR), Joliette (MEX), Mercy Ties (USA), Viva Belgrado (ESP), No Omega (SWE), Tangled Thoughts of Leaving (AUS), Labirinto (MEX), Les Discretes (FR) and more. In 2019 Shallov performed at the Slovak showcase festival SHARPE - their concert was highlighted as one of the best performances of the weekend by several journalists. At the end of 2019 they released a concept-album „Compress, Expand“ consisting of only two songs looping in a 23-minute long cycle of despair, confusion, apocalypse, love and hope. With this record, shallov has moved ahead of their genre into their own sound, authentic atmosphere and even weightier musical contrasts. The markable progress is notable both in composition and sound. The record was reviewed by reputable music magazines - the most relevant Hungarian heavy-music magazine marked the album with 8,5 out of 10 and czech Full Moon marked it with 90%. |
Shallov vznikol v roku 2013 ako výsledok nevyhnutnosti hudobného vyjadrenia a naplnenia. Doterajšiu tvorbu kapely zachytávajú albumy „No place for two“ (2014) a „Concrete & Glass“ (2017), ktorý bol vydaný na CD a LP a najaktuálnejšia nahrávka "Compres, Expand" (2019), vydaná na LP v réžií Haluzeum Produkt. Tento album bol recenzovaný najznámejšími miestnymi hudobnými magazínmi na 8,5/10 a na 9/10. Kapela má za sebou viac ako 100 koncertov, okrem iného na festivaloch: Pohoda, Sharpe, Hviezdne noci, Hell Vill, WNL a tiež FFUD fest a Family Fest. Za niekoľko rokov fungovania sa im podarilo pozvať na Slovensko viacero svetoznámych kapiel ako Tangled thoughts of Leaving (AUS), Joliette (MEX), No Omega (SWE), Labirinto (BRA), Life in Vacum (CAN) ale aj mnoho ďalších kapiel z okolitých krajín. Shallov je momentálne vybraný v rámci projektu INES#talent pre obdobie 2021-2022 ako jeden z ôsmych najzaujímavejších hudobných projektov Slovenska. | |